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Years Serving Mandeville
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Years Combined Experience


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If you're looking to relieve your aches and pains by addressing the problem at its source, you've found the right place.
At Refine Chiro, we specialize in a variety of effective treatment options that help folks get back on their feet.
Whether you're curious about chiropractic care, have a laundry list of questions, or already know the benefits and just need a chiropractor in Mandeville, LA, we are so glad you found us!


Hi! I’m Dr. Tim Cunningham at Refine Chiro. We proudly serve our community with chiropractic services in Mandeville, LA, and the surrounding areas, including Abita Springs, Covington, Madisonville, Lacombe, Slidell, and New Orleans.


I went to Chiropractic College at Parker University in Dallas, TX. While in the program, I worked with the Dallas Veteran’s Administration Hospital. As a Navy veteran, I found this work extremely rewarding. I am still passionate about helping fellow veterans achieve wellness.
A digital drawing of a military medic examining the spine of another solider.

Personal Life

I’m not only a chiropractor in Mandeville, LA, but I’m also a longtime resident. My wife, Stephanie, and I love and care deeply for our community.
Although our kids are grown now, we enjoy spending time with them and our grandchildren more than anything else. Our family time consists of anything from gardening to games to sports.
Between running our chiropractic business and spending time with the family, I am also active in my church.
My favorite way to stay healthy and fit is through weightlifting. I started lifting weights as a teenager, and it has been a big part of my life ever since.
Along with living an active lifestyle, I also take special pride in growing my own vegetables.
Gardening has also become a great way for me to connect with my kids and grandchildren. They get to watch the seeds we plant grow, and then we reap the rewards of our labor at the dinner table together.
Stock image of five pieces of spinach laid out on a green surface.
Juicing fresh fruits and vegetables is also a regular part of our family’s health routine. Natural cures are always the first option in our household whenever there is an ailment.
We have seen and experienced first-hand the healing power of food, and we love sharing our knowledge and resources with anyone who walks through our door.
I enjoy helping those who want to learn how to restore their wellness and maintain body function. Everyone deserves to thrive and do what they love without aches and pains.
Stock image of a carefree person jumping into the air with beautiful scenery in the background.
If you have questions about dry needling, massage therapy, chiropractic, or another service we offer or are ready to take the next step on your path to good health, call us! We are located on Highway 59 in Mandeville.
Call us today to schedule a consultation!