Massage Therapy
Our massage services include relaxation massage and deep tissue massage. Massage therapy works very well with both chiropractic care and dry needling. Some massage services may even be covered by health insurance.
Some of the benefits of massage are:
- Reduce muscle tension
- Promote relaxation
- Help neck pain
- Increase circulation
- Relieve tension headaches
- Improve sleep
- Ease symptoms of depression
- Lower blood pressure
- Help fibromyalgia pain
- Increase range of motion
Dry Needling
Dry needling is exactly what it sounds like. A very small acupuncture type needle is used to start a healing reaction. It is not an injection and no medication is used.
Dry needling uses very small microfilament needles to treat specific areas of the body. Dry needling is very effective at initiating a healing process in areas of the body which may not be responding to other therapy approaches. It is effective a helping to decrease pain and works very well with both chiropractic treatment and massage.
Dry needling uses very small microfilament needles to treat specific areas of the body. Dry needling is very effective at initiating a healing process in areas of the body which may not be responding to other therapy approaches. It is effective a helping to decrease pain and works very well with both chiropractic treatment and massage.